Best part of this book - life lessons from the cat. "...the trick to life is, if you don't like what is happening, go back to sleep until it stops." "I think I should have my own TV show, and actually, it would be really fun. I would call it CATching up with Olivia, and I would describe everything I ate that day. I would talk all about my love and her tiger eye and her smooth stride. I would also investigate the type and quality of naps there are, because there are no many different kinds. Short and deep- I call that kind "the wishing well". The very light doze, kind of half under, which can go on for hours - I call those "skateboards". The sort you have in front of the TV when a good show is playing and you knid of take in the plot but also sleep- these I call "whisperers". When you are being stroked to sleep and the rumble of your purr blends with the deep voice of the earth. I don't have a name for those ones yet. But the...