
Heir of Fire by Sarah Maas

 "They did not need to cheeer, or they were immortal and infinite and gloriously, wonderfully deadly." Gotta love a witch!

The Last House on Needless Street by Catrina Ward

Best part of this book - life lessons from the cat.  "...the trick to life is, if you don't like what is happening, go back to sleep until it stops." "I think I should have my own TV show, and actually, it would be really fun.  I would call it CATching up with Olivia, and I would describe everything I ate that day.  I would talk all about my love and her tiger eye and her smooth stride.  I would also investigate the type and quality of naps there are, because there are no many different kinds.  Short and deep- I call that kind "the wishing well".  The very light doze, kind of half under, which can go on for hours - I call those "skateboards".  The sort you have in front of the TV when a good show is playing and you knid of take in the plot but also sleep- these I call "whisperers".  When you are being stroked to sleep and the rumble of your purr blends with the deep voice of the earth. I don't have a name for those ones yet.  But the...

Bertie's Guid to Life and Mothers

 A very droll novel where not much happens slowly.  Amusing.  Really hard to read quickly so to maximize the number of entries into the Valentine Day drawing at the library.  It did leave me with a question and a couple of amusing quotations. First the question:  Are these really games that kids (boys, specifically) play in Scottland?  British Bulldog?  Chase the Dentist? "It was his last night, he reminded himself, of being six.  His seventh year, it seemed to him, had lasted a remarkably long time and there were points which he frankly wondered whether he would ever turn seven." "The value of money is subective, depending on age.  At the age of one, one multiplies the actual sum by 145,000, making one pound seem like 145,000 pounds to a one-year-old.  At seven -- Bertie's age-- the multiplier is 24, so that five pounds seems like 120 pounds.  At the age of twenty-four, five pounds is five pounds;  at forty-five it is dividied...

For Better and Worse by Margot Hunt

 "I guess I was distracted by the fact I was in the middle of killing him!" I must admit- this amused me.  The book as so-so.  But I smiled at that line.

Shoe Additcts Anonymous by Beth Harrison

 Do you think it is possible to met your soul mate in high school and then be too stupid to know it and blow your life forever?

The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom

 "Soon man will count all his days and then smaller segments of the day, and then smaller still- until the counting consumes him and the wonder of the world he has been given is lost."